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Dr. Milton Pickle, PhD, Historian and Beloved Author

No analysis would be complete without the great
Dr. Milton Pickle, advisor, NIH graduate and author extraordinaire. As iPimp has endeavored to bring the world’s oldest profession into the 21st century, so has Dr. Milton Pickle endeavored to provide us with the context of Hooking throughout the ages in his latest book "Hooking by Dr. Milton Pickle."

About "Hooking by Dr. Milton Pickle." Eugene Shallot wrote, "Never before have I been so embarrassed by a book’s contents." We at iPimp concurr with Mr. Shallot – we should all be embarrassed to learn of the way in which the industry, the science of hooking has been scorned throughout the ages.

Another literary critic wrote of this great work, "completely imbecilic – anyone over the age of 3 can read this 'book'." Bravo to the literary critic who says it all too well – everyone who is able to read must read this book and learn from it so that history does not repeat itself.

There is a famous quote, "those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it." We at iPimp could not agree with that statement more and it is for that reason that we say (pimp) hats off to Dr. Milton Pickle and his exhaustive work entitled "Hooking by Dr. Milton Pickle."

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